Disabilities, Learning Challenges, and Educational Tips

Homeschool Academic

Our homeschooling cooperative group, Homeschool Academic, is generally open to actively homeschooled middle and high school students (6th to 12th grades, ages 12 to 17*) in North Texas and Southwestern Oklahoma. The amount of participation and engagement depends upon state homeschooling requirements, the membership family, and their goals for their students.

The principal purpose of our academic program is to provide primarily secular, skills development, and employment-related education through bundle packs, online virtual courses, and in-person classes. We also offer field trips, workshops, and real-world group activities to build knowledge and skills and have fun!

Our educational approaches vary depending on the course, materials, and activity. We aim to provide academic experiences designed (or modified) for students with learning disabilities and disorders. No statement of faith is required since we are non-religious. We do not support or allow religious-based curriculum, activities, or events.

To the best of our ability, we strive to present instructional designed lessons that are inclusive toward multiple types of learners. We use the best lesson approach to fit the content and adapt it to the students attending the course, activity, or event.

These five different lesson approaches are:

How Our Academic Program Works

Our courses, events, and activities are scheduled individually. We share a master calendar of all classes, events, and activities. Members are encouraged to enroll in that activity, event, or course. We generally schedule at least one course, event, or activity once a week.

Specific courses, activities, and events are available only to members. Membership levels determine whether you can participate in a particular activity or event. Some terms and conditions apply to all members, such as behavioral standards, dress codes, attendance guidelines, etc. We refer to these as our Rules and Guidelines, which all parents, guardians, and students adhere to. Depending on the violation, it could result in removal from the academic program’s activity, event, class, or membership.

Some courses, activities, and events are available to non-members, usually at a premium fee. These non-members must also agree to our Rules and Guidelines and pay extra fees for their enrolled courses, activities, and events.

Each field trip, workshop, group activity event, and in-person class will individually note if younger siblings can attend. Child care will not be provided. Each individual offered an in-person course will note whether younger children can attend.

Our teachers are paid instructors, even if they are academic members. They are often subject-matter experts who have demonstrated proficiency and/or received advanced education in the subject or topic offered. Depending upon the number of students, the in-person course may have an assistant that is also a paid position.

If you are interested in joining our teaching team, you can review our opportunities and contact us to learn more about possible reduced rates for teachers.

Parent and Guardian Roles and Responsibilities

This is not a drop-off homeschool program. Parents and guardians must stay on the premises where the in-person course, event, or activity occurs. If available, they are encouraged to attend the parental course offered concurrently. Parents or guardians will be asked to rotate as a teaching assistant each semester.

Dropping your children off is not acceptable. Attendance is required. If you aren’t able to attend for any reason, you will need to reschedule according to our policies. If students are dropped off and/or no parents or guardians cannot be located, authorities will be called.

On occasion, the facility may require that we clean up after ourselves. Every parent, guardian, and student must participate in cleaning up, gathering materials, and disposing of trash as needed.

Parents and guardians will be contacted if disciplinary problems arise. Teachers, instructors, and/or room assistants will speak privately with the child. Still, if the problem continues, the parent or guardian must satisfactorily resolve the issue or remove the child from the course, event, or activity. Our administrative personnel make the final determination of whether the problem has been satisfactorily resolved.

Refunds are not provided for disciplinary issues.

Membership Process and Fees

Family membership applies to one parent or guardian and two children. Only members can be present and attend courses, activities, and events.

Each family must complete our membership process and pay all applicable fees. The first step is to complete the family application, which includes your student’s interests, hobbies, and academic goals. New families must pay the one-time application fee of $100.00. This fee covers the initial setup, adult background checks, and administrative costs.

When your family application has been approved, you will receive an acceptance email. Then, you must complete your membership packet and pay the applicable monthly membership fee, which is owed monthly. Membership fees offset the costs of arranging courses, activities, and events and paying for liability insurance.

If a family has two parents who desire to participate in our courses, activities, and events and have four children, then two family applications (because of the needed background checks) and two family memberships would need to be purchased. Additional children’s membership accounts can be purchased at a discounted rate.

Registration for Courses, Activities, and Events

Each course, activity, and event will charge a registration fee per student to offset the cost of content, supplies, and the teacher. A teaching assistant will be added if the class size meets our minimum requirements.

If your child stops coming to (or decides not to attend) the registered course, activity, or event, you will still be responsible for any outstanding fees.

Course Schedules

Our 2025 Fall and Spring semesters are sixteen (16) weeks each, with the optional Summer semester for eight (8) weeks. Review the academic calendar or course descriptions to learn when courses, activities, or events will occur.

Spring 2025Fall 2025Summer 2025 (opt)
16 Weeks16 Weeks8 Weeks
Monday, January 13, 2025Monday, August 18, 2025Monday, May 26, 2025
Friday, May 3, 2025Friday, December 5, 2025Friday, July 19, 2025

Extra Fees

Extra fees above and beyond the membership fee may include the cost of the facility, field trip, special event, class materials, textbooks, reading books, art supplies, etc. All extra fee payments are due at course, activity, or event registration unless otherwise noted or by the specified due date.

We reserve the right to adjust these without prior notice to accommodate charge variations from our vendors. Once we have established a permanent location, we will require a monthly facility use fee for each student to cover rent and facility insurance. We may eventually charge a semester supply fee per student, which is currently charged based on the course registered. Technology usage fees must be paid for all of our computer-based courses. An additional fee may be required to pay for specific software licenses.

All payments are non-refundable, including all one-time fees, technology usage fees, and membership payments. Registration fees are based on enrollment, not attendance. Therefore, these payments are due in full regardless of illness, closures, vacations, or family emergencies. Academic program’s holidays and scheduled breaks are already factored into the basic price.

Payment Policy

We accept credit cards, debit cards, cash, and cashier checks, but we do not accept personal checks. All electronic payments (credit or debit cards) automatically incur a 3% transaction fee.

A late fee will be charged three days after any due payments. The initial late fee will be $25.00, and any subsequent late fees will be $50. If late fees remain an issue, we may require the member to enroll in auto-draft payments to continue monthly installments.

Delinquent Accounts

Student attendance and online accounts will be revoked on delinquent membership accounts if not paid in full ten (ten) days after the due date. All academic discounts will be withdrawn. If the membership rate is discounted, it will be retroactively calculated at the total rate. The balance due, along with any outstanding fees, must be received within ten days of the written notification. All requests for transcripts, report cards, referrals, or record transfers will only be completed on accounts that have been paid in full. While the account is delinquent, students can not attend courses, activities, or events.

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