Career Days, Career Exploration, and Educational Skills

How Homeschool Career Days Help Your Student

Career day helps students connect what they are learning in homeschool with opportunities for work. We encourage our multiple business interviewees to share their workplace, job, education, and skills that are required for success. Homeschooled students will view a compiled online video to gather information regarding a desired industry and the career options it provides. 

Virtual Career Days provide a valuable opportunity for students to learn about different professions, possibly network with professionals, and gain insights into potential career paths.

Here are some tips to make the most of any in-person Career Days:

  1. Preparing Students:
    • Educate students about the purpose of Career Day and its benefits.
    • Encourage them to research different careers and industries that interest them.
    • Ask students to prepare a list of questions they can ask professionals, if possible.
  2. Research the Companies/Professionals:
    • Provide students with a list of participating companies and professionals in advance.
    • Encourage students to research these companies and professionals to ask informed questions.
  3. Prepare Questions:
    • Help students develop thoughtful questions they would like to have answered regarding specific careers, such as the challenges, education requirements, and day-to-day tasks.
    • Ensure that students have a general understanding of the careers they are interested in.
  4. Reflection:
    • Have students reflect on their experiences during Career Day. What did they learn? What new insights did they gain?
    • Encourage them to consider how this information might impact their future career choices.
  5. Career Counseling:
    • Offer career counseling services to students who want to dive deeper into exploring their career interests.
    • Provide resources for career exploration, such as self-assessment tools and online resources.
  6. Long-term Planning:
    • Help students create a long-term career plan, setting goals and milestones.
    • Continuously support and mentor them as they make decisions about their future career paths.