Curricula, Curriculum Types, and State Requirements

Parent Resources

We list various homeschooling resources that parents can review to determine if they would help homeschool their child(ren). We also help homeschooling parents navigate their homeschooling journey. Many resources are available for homeschooling across various subjects and grade levels. We list various references and resources to help parents. However, we do not list religious-based resources


Various curricula are available in different formats here. If you are looking for specific course subjects, click on the link for that particular subject. Additional Curriculum categories can be found on the Curriculum Resources page.


English Language Arts

Enrichment and Life Skills

Financial Literacy

Gifted and Talented

Handwriting Help

Health and Wellness

History / Geography

Keyboarding / Typing


Music and Art

Physical Education


Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

Special Education

Deluxe Charts by Tina Hollenbeck reference educational standards of multiple curriculum providers.

Learning Disabilities and Disorders

When homeschooling children with learning challenges who typically need an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 Plan, it’s essential to tailor the educational approach to the child's unique requirements. We share information, tips, and academic approaches to help homeschool your children.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)

Down Syndrome




Dysphasia / Aphasia

Dyspraxia / Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder (MRELD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) Autism

Sensory Process Disorder (SPD)

Visual Processing Disorder (VPD)

Behavioral Lesson Plan Template (Free)

Spectrum Test Practice Free Online Materials

Grades: 1st to 8th

Homeschool Record-Keeping

Effective record-keeping is important for certain homeschooling families, especially those with high school students, as it allows you to track your student’s progress, meet state requirements, and organize your curriculum.

Homeschool Manager

Organize your homeschool with an online (with print options) scheduler and calendar. Keep on track with time and attendance, grading, outstanding tasks, and more.

homeschool minder

Homeschool Minder

Homeschool Minder helps you organize lessons, assignments, and grading so you can focus on what’s important – education.

Homeschool Tracker

We combined our years of homeschooling, business, and computer software industry experience to create Homeschool Tracker for the homeschool community.

homeschool minder

Homeschool Planet

With extensive experience in the homeschool community, Homeschool Planet is dedicated to bringing you the most user-friendly, robust homeschool planner available!

High School Transcripts

Effective record-keeping is important for certain homeschooling families, especially those with high school students, as it allows you to track your student’s progress, meet state requirements, and organize your curriculum.

Fast Transcripts

With all your responsibilities, creating a high school transcript can be daunting. If not done correctly, colleges may reject it. Fast Transcripts‘ cloud-based transcript template practically works for you. Using course name auto-suggest, GPA auto-calculation, and our error-catching algorithm, we provide the most professional transcript available to the homeschool community.

Free Homeschool ID Card

Want a free homeschool ID card? We have you covered here at Make your homeschool ID using the fillable PDF below. First, click to edit and download your ID cards. Want to add a photo?  Print a 1-inch by 1-inch square photo and attach it with glue or tape over the house logo. Then, laminate your card for durability.

(Editable PDF link here)

Parent Resources

We have curated some parental resources to help homeschooling parents with helping their children with learning challenges.

The Caregiver Skills Training (CST) for families of children with developmental delays or disabilities aims to provide caregivers with skills they can use at home to improve their child’s engagement in activities and communication and promote positive behavior and skills for daily living.

Provided by the World Health Organization

Lumos STAAR Prep Blended Program is the ideal resource to help your students achieve mastery and proficiency in critical Math and English Language Arts (ELA) standards. Our unique blended learning approach ensures your students have the tools to succeed on the high-stakes Texas State Assessment.


The Special Education Community is dedicated to all parents, teachers, and specialists involved in special education. We are here to share resources, advice, and support better to meet the needs of children with special educational needs.

We also have a useful website,, where you can find articles, tools, and additional information.

What if you could improve your life by increasing your brain score?

You can… Take the TLP Brain Scale and assess yourself in 7 of the most impactful areas of brain performance. Executive Function, Creativity, Communication, Auditory Processing, Social & Emotional, Motor Skills and Stress Response. Then, find clarity on how our music-listening therapies can improve your life. (Auditory Processing Disorder Resource)

DeCoste Writing Protocol

The DeCoste Writing Protocol is an informal diagnostic tool that helps educators identify factors affecting an individual student’s ability to produce writing.

This informal tool helps educators identify factors affecting an individual’s ability to produce writing across handwriting and keyboarding tasks. It examines spelling performance and writing skills so educators can make more informed decisions about teaching and learning strategies and the best technology tools to meet those needs.

Learning about Nature

We have curated some resources to help homeschooling parents learn about nature, state parks, and more.

My Nature Book Adventure is a small family run business. They provide resources regarding the U.S. State Parks, planning trips, and more.

Computer Science
Career Interviews
Smart Skills
Computer Science
Interview Opportunities

Questions, Concerns, or Comments

We welcome all those considering homeschooling, whether new to the journey or seasoned professionals, to our Facebook Group. This group supports families with diverse learning needs, providing curriculum, adaptive technology, strategies, and methods to help their children learn, explore, and thrive.

We encourage engaging posts with limited links and promotions. We understand many families are looking for free or affordable curriculum ideas and resources, and we're committed to helping you find them. Whether you need answers to learning changes due to autism, ADHD, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, dyslexia, anxiety, sensory processing disorders, or if your child is neurodivergent, we're here to support you.