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What is Roadschooling?

We list various homeschooling resources that parents can review to determine if they would help homeschool their child(ren). We also help homeschooling parents navigate their homeschooling journey. Many resources are available for homeschooling across various subjects and grade levels. We list various references and resources to help parents. However, we do not list religious-based resources

Roadschooling is a form of homeschooling where families educate their children while traveling. It allows families to combine education with the experience of exploring new places, cultures, and environments. This type of schooling is often practiced by families who live a nomadic lifestyle, such as those who travel in RVs, sailboats, or even internationally.

Key Aspects of Roadschooling:

  • Flexible Curriculum: Roadschooling allows for a flexible approach to education, often tailored to the interests of the child and the destinations visited. For example, history lessons might be taught at historical sites, or marine biology could be studied at the beach.
  • Experiential Learning: Roadschooling emphasizes hands-on, experiential learning. Children might learn geography by mapping their travels, or science by exploring national parks and natural wonders.
  • Unconventional Schedule: Unlike traditional schooling, roadschooling does not follow a strict schedule. Learning can happen at any time and place, making it adaptable to the family’s travel plans.
  • Use of Technology: Many roadschooling families use online resources, educational apps, and virtual learning platforms to supplement their children’s education.
  • Socialization: Social interaction might occur differently in roadschooling, often through meeting other traveling families, attending local events, or participating in online communities.

Roadschooling is an appealing option for families who value the freedom to travel and want to provide their children with a unique, real-world education.