Treatment and Management of PDA Autism

Recognizing and supporting individuals who consistently and noticeably avoid demands is crucial. Tailoring strategies and approaches based on their unique strengths and requirements is essential. Accessing appropriate support heavily relies on comprehending and...

Why does PDA Autism Demand Avoidance Happen?

It is evident that there is a strong correlation between persistent and pronounced demand avoidance and a strong desire for control. However, this connection is not fully comprehended and further investigation is required. Certain studies, although of low quality,...

What is Pathological Demand Avoidance Autism?

PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) is a profile on the autism spectrum characterized by an extreme avoidance of everyday demands and an anxiety-driven need to be in control. People with PDA struggle with social communication, have difficulty managing emotions, and...

15 Tips for Managing Dyslexia and Homeschooling

Managing dyslexia in a homeschooling environment can be both challenging and rewarding. Here are some tips to help you create an effective and supportive learning experience: Understand Dyslexia Educate yourself about dyslexia. Understand that it affects reading,...

Classroom Management for Students with Dyslexia

Classroom management for students with dyslexia involves creating a supportive learning environment that reduces challenges and builds on their strengths. Here are some strategies: Structured Routines: Establish clear routines to reduce anxiety and create a...